Wednesday 4 March 2015

MDDN343 Game Proposal - Troops In Suits

Game Proposal - Troops In Suits

Logo Design:

I was looking online for some concept ideas for a computer/video game when I stumbled upon this quote
"I've always though a game that let you go back in time with modern weapons and fight ancient armies would be cool" When I read this quote I decided 'This could pass for an idea."

The title for the idea suggests a film reference to Men In Black, however 'Troops In Suits' sees three major detectives in suits & sunnies, armed with modern, hi-tech weaponry such as grenade launchers, machine guns which will suggestively be available later on in the game, however the game outlines these three men (The main protagonists in the game) who have travelled back in time to the 12th century (armed with hi-tech weaponry). The Main Antagonists are yet to be confirmed, however they are likely to be based on big names in the medieval society, or will possibly relate to the main protagonists in the Assassins Creed series.

Below are selected images which have assisted me in my decision making to come up with this concept. I have decided so far to have a HD720 style animation for the game, some objects & areas will be mapped with realistic textures, others will be much simpler:


I thought I might like to give the 'Troops In Suits' a silhouette style as well as the medieval antagonists, yet the environment will be much more detailed, allowing these characters to stand out in the game.


For the environmental aspects in the game, I would like to go with a different theme for every level (Yes this will be a leveled platformer game), one level may be European, the next may be Asian or Egyptian themed, and I will attempt to squeeze a theme style from each continent within the game. Medieval style in the game is crucial, so these images will play a big part in the decision making process. The areas will be significantly compact in relation to these precedents and the land objects will be in a simpler style. The first/tutorial level will have a Greek theme.

Game Mechanics:

Your three main characters (yet to be named) were meant to be functioned by a touch-screen mechanic, however, I am not sure this is possible with our programming, so I will probably go with the click of the mouse instead. The three characters simply move as a group and wll

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